How to Prepare for an Audition

Casting directors are hired by producers who work on television shows, commercials and films. They also work for talent agencies that represent actors, singers, dancers and other entertainers with the duty to find the most suitable talents for each part. A casting director’s job is to fill the specific roles in a production by finding the most suitable actors for each part. 

All a casting director really want to see in an audition is capable and confident people that have come ready to show what they got. Professional actors as well as amateurs that just go for a supporting or background part might at times be stressed out about an audition. We are here to give you some helpful tips on how to be prepared.

What Are Casting Auditions?

Casting Auditions are actually quite different from an audition. The main purpose of a casting audition is to get the attention of a casting director and to be recalled for a future guest role, co-star role or lead role.

A casting director’s job is to fill the specific roles in a production by finding the most suitable actors for each part.

Casting directors are hired by producers who work on television shows, commercials and films. They also work for talent agencies that represent actors, singers, dancers and other entertainers.

A casting call, on the other hand is an announcement of an open audition opportunity that is placed in online casting directories such as and where you can find notices for thousands of auditions each month by signing up to be notified of new jobs directly to your email inbox.

Both are great ways to get noticed by casting directors and producers so that you can build your acting resume and get cast in the next production!

When should you go to open calls and when should you go to casting calls?

The best rule of thumb is that if you’re looking for work in television or film in Los Angeles (or New York City, Atlanta or Chicago), then you’ll want to attend open calls which are held during the daytime at various studios around town.

Staff your production with the ideal talent

We believe that time is money and creative energy should not be disturbed by practicalities, we have created an automated platform that not only helps you easily find the talents you are looking for but also gives you the opportunity to actually choose between many.

Personalized Profile

We create a profile specifically for you or your brand with all the needs of the roles you need.

Automated Custom Job Notices

We take your clues and answers and create a brand new job notice for each open part.

Talent-Role Matching

We match each role’s needs to talent’s skills and experience and notify you via messages with the best candidates.

Fast and Efficient

You browse through the matching talents, choose the ones that you deem most suitable and get in touch with them.

Easy Contact

You can arrange or create meetings and plan everything quick and easy.

It's Free

And all the tools for employers are free!

Detailed information on your needs can get you the most suitable candidates

With Castinn, all a talent seeker has to do is to pick the answers  to certain questions about the person they are looking for. Then the platform generates a well-rounded role openning notice and also finds all the talents with matching characteristics to the seeker’s needs.

Basic information like age, height, body type, skin and hair color etc is needed in order to find the right physical characteristics’ category and point you to the right individuals. There are also more detailed appearance information questions asked in oder to cover all kinds of physical traits that a role might require.

You will be asked about the professional experience, if any, that the person you are looking for should have. Apart from the basic questions Castinn will have you answer, you will also have the ways to note all kinds of additional special skills that you wish the candidates to have. This way, you will be able to receive a much more detailed job notice and get pointed to the right direction.

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Junior Talents

Amelia Bower
Charles Davidson
Olivia Fisher
Evan Glover


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Let's Get Creative

Castinn is explicitly designed to be the one and only instrument a producer, event organiser, director or creator needs in order to find, audition and cast the most talented and inspiring amateurs or professionals for their productions, happenings or projects.

We are working everyday to bring your ideal talents just a click away from you.